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LAW on the enviromnental protection
Legislative Council - organization and operation
LAW on the setting up, organization and operation of the Legislative Council
Regulations on Legislative Council - organization and operation
LAW on copyright and neighboring rights
LAW on the safe deployment of nuclear activities
Water LAW
LAW on the safe deployment of nuclear activities
LAW on the approval of the National Town and Country Planning Plan - Section I - Lines of Communication
LAW on regional development in Romania
Regulations on local public administration and local elections
LAW on local public administration
LAW on local elections
Regulations on dwellings passed into State property
LAW on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property
DECISION on the constitutionality of some provisions of the Law on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property
METHODOLOGICAL NORMS with reference to the application of the Law No. 112/1995 on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property
LAW on the procedure of reorganization and judicial liquidation
LAW on the organization and functioning of the Social and Economic Council
LAW on trading companies
LAW regarding the trade register
Banking Laws
The banking LAW
LAW on the Status of the National Bank of Romania
LAW on the privatization of commercial banking companies in which the State is a shareholder
LAW on banks' bankruptcy proceedings
Advocate of the people
LAW on the organization and functioning of the Advocate of the People Institution
REGULATIONS on the organization and functioning of the Advocate of the People Institution
Public property and concessions
LAW on public property and its juridical regime
LAW on the system of concessions
LAW on the prevention and punishment of laundering money
LAW on regional development in Romania
LAW on regional development in Romania
DECISION on the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Law No. 151/1998 on regional development in Romania and of the Framework-regulations for the organization and functioning of the regional development councils
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE on the regime of deprived zones
LAW on the approval of the Expeditious Government Ordinance No. 24/1998 on the regime of deprived zones
DECISION on the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Expeditious Government Ordinance No. 24/1998 on the regime of deprived zones
DECISION on the approval of the Organization and Functioning Regulations of the National Regional Development Council
DECISION on the organization and functioning of the National Regional Development Agency
DECISIONS on the declaration of deprived zones
Direct investments and development of the economic activity
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE on the stimulation of direct investments
LAW on the approval of the Expeditious Government Ordinance No. 92/1997 on the stimulation of direct investments
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE on some measures for the development of the economic activity
Public order, national defence and security
LAW on the national security of Romania
LAW on the organization and operation of the Romanian Intelligence Service
LAW on the organization and operation of the Romanian Police
LAW on the national defence of Romania
The Legislative Council. The Supreme Court of Justice
LAW on the setting up, organization and functioning of the Legislative Council
Organization and Functioning - REGULATION of the Legislative Council
LAW of the Supreme Court of Justice
Organization and Functioning - REGULATION of the Supreme Court of Justice
LAW on the access to the personal file and the disclosure of the Securitate as a political police
LAW on insurance and reinsurance in Romania
Land resources
LAW on the land resources
LAW on reconstitution of the property right over agricultural and forest land claimed in keeping with the provisions of Law on land resources No. 18/1991 and Law No. 169/1997
REGULATIONS regarding the setting up procedure, the duties and the functioning of the commissions for the establishing of the private property right over land, putting in possession of the owners, of the model and mode of issuing the property titles
LAW on the juridical circulation of the land
LAW on the dwelling
LAW on the setting up of the National Agency for Dwellings
METHODOLOGICAL norms for the enforcement of the Law No. 152/1998 on the seeting up of the National Agency for Dwellings
LAW on the mortgage credit for real estate investments
METHODOLOGICAL norms for the enforcement of the Law No. 190/1999 on the mortgage credit for real estate investments
REGULATIONS No. 2/2000 for the enforcement of the Law No. 190/1999 on the mortgage credit for real estate investments
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE for the legal settlement of the lands intended for dwelling building through the National Agency for Dwellings
Parliamentary and presidential elections 2000
LAW on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate
LAW on the election of the President of Romania
LAW on the declaration and control of the wealth of dignitaries, magistrates, civil servants and of certain persons holding a leading office
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE No. 63/2000 on the modification and completion of the Law No. 68/1992 on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the modification of the Law No. 69/1992 on the election of the President of Romania, and the modification and completion of the Law No. 70/1991 on local elections
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE No. 129/2000 on the modification and completion of the Law No. 68/1992 on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and of the Law No. 69/1992 on the election of the President of Romania
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE No. 140/2000 on the modification and completion of the Law No. 68/1992 on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and of the Law No. 69/1992 on the election of the President of Romania
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE No. 154/2000 on the modification and completion of the Law No. 68/1992 on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and of the Law No. 69/1992 on the election of the President of Romania
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE No. 165/2000 on the completion of Art. 5 of the Law No. 68/1992 on the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate
LAW on the organization and operation of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation and of the Romanian Television Corporation
LAW on preventing, discovering and sanctioning of corruption acts
Regulations on corruption and organized crime
LAW on preventing, discovering and sanctioning of the corruption acts
LAW on fighting tax evasion
LAW on declaring and control of the wealth of dignitaries, magistrates, civil servants and of certain persons with management position
LAW on urgency procedure for the prosecution and judgement of certain infractions of corruption
Statute of civil servants
LAW on the Statute of civil servants
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE on establishing measures referring to the organization and functioning of certain ministries
DECISION for the approval of the Reorganization and Functioning Regulations of the National Agency of Civil Servants
DECISION on the organization and unfolding of the test intended to confirm in a post the civil servants holding management public positions within the public authorities and institutions
Regulations on small and medium-sized enterprises. Trading companies - the legal framework
LAW on trading companies
LAW on the stimulation of private entrepreneurs for the setting up and development of small and medium-sized enterprises
DECISION for the approval of the Methological Norms for applying Law No. 133/1999 on the stimulation of private entrepreneurs for the setting up and development of small and medium-sized enterprises
DECISION on the setting up of the National fund for Security Credits for Small amd Medium-Sized Enterprises
DECISION on the approval of UNCTAD/EMPRETEC - Romania program in supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
Regulations on small and medium-sized enterprises. Traders' registration and authorization
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE on the simplification of certain administrative formalities for the registration and authorization of the traders' functioning
DECISION on establishing the model and contents of the registration application and the registration certificate of the trader
DECISION for the approval of traders' operation licensing procedures
DECISION on the approval of the quantum of the fees and tariffs charged by the teritorial chambers of commerce and industry for the activities of registration and for the operations made by the One-stop Wicket
DECISION on establishing the fees in fixed amount for the services provided by the notaries public with a view to registrating and authorizing the traders' functioning
DECISION on the approval of the duties charged for the publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV, of the conclusion of the delegated judge to the registration of traders and of the constitutive act, endorsed by the delegated judge
Regulations on small and medium-sized enterprises. Taxation system
ORDINANCE on the taxation of microenterprises
LAW on accountancy
LAW on the value added tax
DECISION for the approval of the Application Norms of the Law No. 345/2002 on the value added tax
LAW on the profit tax
DECISION on the procedure of the export and import licenses of Romania
Regulations on local public finance
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE on local public finance
Romania's national system of decorations
LAW on Romania's national system of decorations
LAW on Mihai Viteazul Order
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE for re-instituting the Star or Romania National Order
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE for re-instituting the Faithful service National Order, Cross and Medal
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE for re-instituting the National Order and Medal For Merit
ORDINANCE on the Honorary Sign In the Army's Service for officers
ORDINANCE on the Honorary Sign In the Army's Service for military masters and NCO's
LAW on establishing the ''Commemorative Cross of the World War II, 1941-1945'', Medal
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE on the ''Commemorative Cross of Anti-Communist Resistance'' Decoration
LAW on instituting the ''Victory of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989'' Order
LAW for honouring the martyr-heroes and granting certain rights to their inheritors, to the wounded, as well as to the fighters for the victory of the December 1989 Revolution
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE on instituting the Commemorative Medal ''150 Years since the Birth of Mihai Eminescu''
LAW on the Sports Merit Order and the Sports Merit Medal
LAW on the Cultural Merit Order and the Cultural Merit Medal
Constitution of Romania
Legislation on the privatization of tourism trading companies
EXPEDITIOUS ORDINANCE on the acceleration and finalizing of the privatization process of the tourism trading companies
DECISION dor the approval of the Strategy regarding the privatization of the tourism trading companies
DECISION for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the enforcement of the Expeditious Government Ordinance No. 52/2001 on the acceleration and finalizing of the privatization process of the tourism trading companies, as well as for taking some necessary measures with a view to their implementation
Local Public Administration
Protection of the child in difficulty
CONVENTION on the child's rights
URGENCY ORDINANCE on the protection of the child in difficulty
LAW on juridical declaration of the abandonment of children
URGENCY ORDINANCE on the juridical regime of adoption
ORDINANCE on updating the norms of expenses determined by the rights granted to children in orphanages, children's homes and special education institutions
URGENCY ORDINANCE on the setting up of the National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption
DECISION on the organizing and functioning of the National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption
DECISION on certain measures for the improvement of the activity of protection, intruction and recovery of disabled children and young and of orphans
DECISION on the indexation of the maintenance allowance's quantum for the children entrusted or given in placement
DECISION on the allocation of additional amounts from the state budget for the suport of the health programmes of the children for the year 2001
DECISION for the approval of the Governmental Strategy in the field of the protection of the child in difficulty (2001-2004) and of the Operational Plan for the implementation of the Governmental Strategy in the field of the protection of the child in difficulty (2001-2004)
DECISION for the approval of the programmes of national interest in the field of protection of the child's rights
DECISION on the approval of the Programme of national interest in the field of protection of the child protection ''The social integration of the homeless children''

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania tuesday, 15 october 2024, 6:05