Constitution of Romania
Revision of the Constitution
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TITLE I - General principles

ARTICLE 1 - Romanian State
ARTICLE 2 - Sovereignty
ARTICLE 3 - Territory
ARTICLE 4 - Unity of the people and equality among citizens
ARTICLE 5 - Citizenship
ARTICLE 6 - Right to identity
ARTICLE 7 - Romanians living abroad
ARTICLE 8 - Pluralism and political parties
ARTICLE 9 - Trade unions, employers' associations, and vocational associations
ARTICLE 10 - International relations
ARTICLE 11 - International law and national law
ARTICLE 12 - National symbols
ARTICLE 13 - Official language
ARTICLE 14 - Capital

TITLE II - Fundamental rights, freedoms and duties

CHAPTER I - Common provisions

ARTICLE 15 - Universality
ARTICLE 16 - Equality of rights
ARTICLE 17 - Romanian citizens while abroad
ARTICLE 18 - Aliens and stateless persons
ARTICLE 19 - Extradition and expulsion
ARTICLE 20 - International treaties on human rights
ARTICLE 21 - Free access to justice

CHAPTER II - Fundamental rights and freedoms

ARTICLE 22 - Right to life, to physical and mental integrity
ARTICLE 23 - Individual freedom
ARTICLE 24 - Right to defence
ARTICLE 25 - Freedom of movement
ARTICLE 26 - Personal and family privacy
ARTICLE 27 - Inviolability of domicile
ARTICLE 28 - Secrecy of correspondence
ARTICLE 29 - Freedom of conscience
ARTICLE 30 - Freedom of expression
ARTICLE 31 - Right to information
ARTICLE 32 - Right to education
ARTICLE 33 - Access to culture
ARTICLE 34 - Right to protection of health
ARTICLE 35 - Right to a healthy environment
ARTICLE 36 - Right to vote
ARTICLE 37 - Right to be elected
ARTICLE 38 - Right to be elected to the European Parliament
ARTICLE 39 - Freedom of assembly
ARTICLE 40 - Right of association
ARTICLE 41 - Labour and social protection of labour
ARTICLE 42 - Prohibition of forced labour
ARTICLE 43 - Right to strike
ARTICLE 44 - Right of private property
ARTICLE 45 - Economic freedom
ARTICLE 46 - Right of inheritance
ARTICLE 47 - Living standard
ARTICLE 48 - Family
ARTICLE 49 - Protection of children and young people
ARTICLE 50 - Protection of disabled persons
ARTICLE 51 - Right of petition
ARTICLE 52 - Right of a person aggrieved by a public authority
ARTICLE 53 - Restriction on the exercise of certain rights or freedoms

CHAPTER III - Fundamental duties

ARTICLE 54 - Faithfulness towards the country
ARTICLE 55 - Defence of the country
ARTICLE 56 - Financial contributions
ARTICLE 57 - Exercise of rights and freedoms

CHAPTER IV - Advocate of the People

ARTICLE 58 - Appointment and role
ARTICLE 59 - Exercise of powers
ARTICLE 60 - Report before Parliament

TITLE III - Public authorities

CHAPTER I - Parliament

SECTION 1 - Organization and functioning

ARTICLE 61 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 62 - Election of the Chambers
ARTICLE 63 - Term of office
ARTICLE 64 - Organizational structure
ARTICLE 65 - Sittings of the Chambers
ARTICLE 66 - Sessions
ARTICLE 67 - Acts of Parliament and legal quorum
ARTICLE 68 - Publicity of sittings

SECTION 2 - Statute of Deputies and Senators

ARTICLE 69 - Representative mandate
ARTICLE 70 - Term of office of Deputies and Senators
ARTICLE 71 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 72 - Parliamentary immunity

SECTION 3 - Legislation

ARTICLE 73 - Classes of laws
ARTICLE 74 - Legislative initiative
ARTICLE 75 - Notification of the Chambers
ARTICLE 76 - Passing of bills and resolutions
ARTICLE 77 - Promulgation of laws
ARTICLE 78 - Coming into force of laws
ARTICLE 79 - Legislative Council

CHAPTER II - The President of Romania

ARTICLE 80 - The President of Romania
ARTICLE 81 - Election of the President
ARTICLE 82 - Validation of mandate and oath-taking
ARTICLE 83 - Term of office
ARTICLE 84 - Incompatibilities and immunities
ARTICLE 85 - Appointment of the Government
ARTICLE 86 - Consultation with the Government
ARTICLE 87 - Participation in meetings of the Government
ARTICLE 88 - Messages
ARTICLE 89 - Dissolution of Parliament
ARTICLE 90 - Referendum
ARTICLE 91 - Powers in matters of foreign policy
ARTICLE 92 - Powers in matters of defence
ARTICLE 93 - Emergency measures
ARTICLE 94 - Other powers
ARTICLE 95 - Suspension from office
ARTICLE 96 - Impeachment
ARTICLE 97 - Vacancy of office
ARTICLE 98 - Interim of office
ARTICLE 99 - Liability of the Acting President
ARTICLE 100 - Acts of the President
ARTICLE 101 - Emolument and other rights

CHAPTER III - The Government

ARTICLE 102 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 103 - Investiture
ARTICLE 104 - Oath of allegiance
ARTICLE 105 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 106 - Cessation of membership of the Government
ARTICLE 107 - Prime Minister
ARTICLE 108 - Acts of the Government
ARTICLE 109 - Responsibility of members of the Government
ARTICLE 110 - End of the term of office

CHAPTER IV - Relations between Parliament and the Government

ARTICLE 111 - Information of Parliament
ARTICLE 112 - Questions, interpellations, and simple motions
ARTICLE 113 - Motion of censure
ARTICLE 114 - Assumption of responsibility by the Government
ARTICLE 115 - Legislative delegation

CHAPTER V - Public administration

SECTION 1 - Specialized central public administration

ARTICLE 116 - Structure
ARTICLE 117 - Establishment
ARTICLE 118 - The Armed Forces
ARTICLE 119 - Supreme Council of National Defence

SECTION 2 - Local public administration

ARTICLE 120 - Basic principles
ARTICLE 121 - Commune and town authorities
ARTICLE 122 - County Council
ARTICLE 123 - The Prefect

CHAPTER VI - Judicial authority

SECTION 1 - Courts of law

ARTICLE 124 - Administration of justice
ARTICLE 125 - Statute of judges
ARTICLE 126 - Courts of law
ARTICLE 127 - Publicity of debates
ARTICLE 128 - Use of mother tongue and interpreter in court
ARTICLE 129 - Use of appeal
ARTICLE 130 - Police in the courts

SECTION 2 - The Public Ministry

ARTICLE 131 - Role of Public Ministry
ARTICLE 132 - Statute of Public Prosecutors

SECTION 3 - Superior Council of Magistracy

ARTICLE 133 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 134 - Powers

TITLE IV - Economy and public finance

ARTICLE 135 - Economy
ARTICLE 136 - Property
ARTICLE 137 - Financial system
ARTICLE 138 - National public budget
ARTICLE 139 - Taxes, duties, and other contributions
ARTICLE 140 - Court of Audit
ARTICLE 141 - The Economic and Social Council

TITLE V - Constitutional Court

ARTICLE 142 - Structure
ARTICLE 143 - Qualification for appointment
ARTICLE 144 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 145 - Independence and irremovability
ARTICLE 146 - Powers
ARTICLE 147 - Decisions of the Constitutional Court

TITLE VI - Euro-Atlantic integration

ARTICLE 148 - Integration into the European Union
ARTICLE 149 - Accession to the North-Atlantic Treaty

TITLE VII - Revision of the Constitution

ARTICLE 150 - Initiative of revision
ARTICLE 151 - Procedure of revision
ARTICLE 152 - Limits of revision

TITLE VIII - Final and transitory provisions

ARTICLE 153 - Coming into force
ARTICLE 154 - Temporal conflict of laws
ARTICLE 155 - Transitory provisions
ARTICLE 156 - Republication of the Constitution

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania tuesday, 21 january 2025, 3:16