The Constitution of Romania of 1991 was amended and completed by the Law No. 429/2003 on the revision of the Constitution of Romania,
published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 758 of 29 October 2003, republished by the Legislative Council on the grounds of article 152
of the Constitution, with the updated denominations and the renumbered texts (Article 152 became, in the republished form, Article 156).
The Law No. 429/2003 on the revision of the Constitution of Romania was approved by the national referendum of 18-19 October 2003, and came into force on 29 October 2003, the date of the publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 758 of 29 October 2003 of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 3 of 22 October 2003 for the confirmation of the result of the national referendum of 18-19 October 2003 concerning the Law on the revision of
the Constitution of Romania.
The Constitution of Romania, in its initial form, was adopted in the sitting of the Constituant Assembly of 21 November 1991, was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 233 of 21 November 1991, and came into force after its approval by the national referendum of 8 December 1991.
ARTICLE 54 - Faithfulness towards the country
ARTICLE 55 - Defence of the country
ARTICLE 56 - Financial contributions
ARTICLE 57 - Exercise of rights and freedoms
CHAPTER IV - Relations between Parliament and the Government
ARTICLE 111 - Information of Parliament
ARTICLE 112 - Questions, interpellations, and simple motions
ARTICLE 113 - Motion of censure
ARTICLE 114 - Assumption of responsibility by the Government
ARTICLE 115 - Legislative delegation