Constitution of Romania
Revision of the Constitution
- The Constitution of Romania of 1991 was amended and completed by the Law No. 429/2003 on the revision of the Constitution of Romania, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 758 of 29 October 2003, republished by the Legislative Council on the grounds of article 152 of the Constitution, with the updated denominations and the renumbered texts (Article 152 became, in the republished form, Article 156).
- The Law No. 429/2003 on the revision of the Constitution of Romania was approved by the national referendum of 18-19 October 2003, and came into force on 29 October 2003, the date of the publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 758 of 29 October 2003 of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 3 of 22 October 2003 for the confirmation of the result of the national referendum of 18-19 October 2003 concerning the Law on the revision of the Constitution of Romania.
- The Constitution of Romania, in its initial form, was adopted in the sitting of the Constituant Assembly of 21 November 1991, was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 233 of 21 November 1991, and came into force after its approval by the national referendum of 8 December 1991.
- Constitution - 1991
- Major provisions of the Law for the revision of the Constitution
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TITLE I - General principles
ARTICLE 1 - Romanian State
ARTICLE 2 - Sovereignty
ARTICLE 3 - Territory
ARTICLE 4 - Unity of the people and equality among citizens
ARTICLE 5 - Citizenship
ARTICLE 6 - Right to identity
ARTICLE 7 - Romanians living abroad
ARTICLE 8 - Pluralism and political parties
ARTICLE 9 - Trade unions, employers' associations, and vocational associations
ARTICLE 10 - International relations
ARTICLE 11 - International law and national law
ARTICLE 12 - National symbols
ARTICLE 13 - Official language
ARTICLE 14 - Capital
TITLE II - Fundamental rights, freedoms and duties
CHAPTER I - Common provisions
ARTICLE 15 - Universality
ARTICLE 16 - Equality of rights
ARTICLE 17 - Romanian citizens while abroad
ARTICLE 18 - Aliens and stateless persons
ARTICLE 19 - Extradition and expulsion
ARTICLE 20 - International treaties on human rights
ARTICLE 21 - Free access to justice
CHAPTER II - Fundamental rights and freedoms
ARTICLE 22 - Right to life, to physical and mental integrity
ARTICLE 23 - Individual freedom
ARTICLE 24 - Right to defence
ARTICLE 25 - Freedom of movement
ARTICLE 26 - Personal and family privacy
ARTICLE 27 - Inviolability of domicile
ARTICLE 28 - Secrecy of correspondence
ARTICLE 29 - Freedom of conscience
ARTICLE 30 - Freedom of expression
ARTICLE 31 - Right to information
ARTICLE 32 - Right to education
ARTICLE 33 - Access to culture
ARTICLE 34 - Right to protection of health
ARTICLE 35 - Right to a healthy environment
ARTICLE 36 - Right to vote
ARTICLE 37 - Right to be elected
ARTICLE 38 - Right to be elected to the European Parliament
ARTICLE 39 - Freedom of assembly
ARTICLE 40 - Right of association
ARTICLE 41 - Labour and social protection of labour
ARTICLE 42 - Prohibition of forced labour
ARTICLE 43 - Right to strike
ARTICLE 44 - Right of private property
ARTICLE 45 - Economic freedom
ARTICLE 46 - Right of inheritance
ARTICLE 47 - Living standard
ARTICLE 48 - Family
ARTICLE 49 - Protection of children and young people
ARTICLE 50 - Protection of disabled persons
ARTICLE 51 - Right of petition
ARTICLE 52 - Right of a person aggrieved by a public authority
ARTICLE 53 - Restriction on the exercise of certain rights or freedoms
CHAPTER III - Fundamental duties
ARTICLE 54 - Faithfulness towards the country
ARTICLE 55 - Defence of the country
ARTICLE 56 - Financial contributions
ARTICLE 57 - Exercise of rights and freedoms
CHAPTER IV - Advocate of the People
ARTICLE 58 - Appointment and role
ARTICLE 59 - Exercise of powers
ARTICLE 60 - Report before Parliament
TITLE III - Public authorities
CHAPTER I - Parliament
SECTION 1 - Organization and functioning
ARTICLE 61 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 62 - Election of the Chambers
ARTICLE 63 - Term of office
ARTICLE 64 - Organizational structure
ARTICLE 65 - Sittings of the Chambers
ARTICLE 66 - Sessions
ARTICLE 67 - Acts of Parliament and legal quorum
ARTICLE 68 - Publicity of sittings
SECTION 2 - Statute of Deputies and Senators
ARTICLE 69 - Representative mandate
ARTICLE 70 - Term of office of Deputies and Senators
ARTICLE 71 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 72 - Parliamentary immunity
SECTION 3 - Legislation
ARTICLE 73 - Classes of laws
ARTICLE 74 - Legislative initiative
ARTICLE 75 - Notification of the Chambers
ARTICLE 76 - Passing of bills and resolutions
ARTICLE 77 - Promulgation of laws
ARTICLE 78 - Coming into force of laws
ARTICLE 79 - Legislative Council
CHAPTER II - The President of Romania
ARTICLE 80 - The President of Romania
ARTICLE 81 - Election of the President
ARTICLE 82 - Validation of mandate and oath-taking
ARTICLE 83 - Term of office
ARTICLE 84 - Incompatibilities and immunities
ARTICLE 85 - Appointment of the Government
ARTICLE 86 - Consultation with the Government
ARTICLE 87 - Participation in meetings of the Government
ARTICLE 88 - Messages
ARTICLE 89 - Dissolution of Parliament
ARTICLE 90 - Referendum
ARTICLE 91 - Powers in matters of foreign policy
ARTICLE 92 - Powers in matters of defence
Emergency measures
ARTICLE 94 - Other powers
ARTICLE 95 - Suspension from office
ARTICLE 96 - Impeachment
ARTICLE 97 - Vacancy of office
ARTICLE 98 - Interim of office
ARTICLE 99 - Liability of the Acting President
ARTICLE 100 - Acts of the President
ARTICLE 101 - Emolument and other rights
CHAPTER III - The Government
ARTICLE 102 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 103 - Investiture
ARTICLE 104 - Oath of allegiance
ARTICLE 105 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 106 - Cessation of membership of the Government
Prime Minister
ARTICLE 108 - Acts of the Government
ARTICLE 109 - Responsibility of members of the Government
End of the term of office
CHAPTER IV - Relations between Parliament and the Government
ARTICLE 111 - Information of Parliament
ARTICLE 112 - Questions, interpellations, and simple motions
ARTICLE 113 - Motion of censure
ARTICLE 114 - Assumption of responsibility by the Government
ARTICLE 115 - Legislative delegation
CHAPTER V - Public administration
SECTION 1 - Specialized central public administration
ARTICLE 116 - Structure
ARTICLE 117 - Establishment
ARTICLE 118 - The Armed Forces
ARTICLE 119 - Supreme Council of National Defence
SECTION 2 - Local public administration
ARTICLE 120 - Basic principles
ARTICLE 121 - Commune and town authorities
ARTICLE 122 - County Council
ARTICLE 123 - The Prefect
CHAPTER VI - Judicial authority
SECTION 1 - Courts of law
ARTICLE 124 - Administration of justice
ARTICLE 125 - Statute of judges
ARTICLE 126 - Courts of law
ARTICLE 127 - Publicity of debates
ARTICLE 128 - Use of mother tongue and interpreter in court
ARTICLE 129 - Use of appeal
ARTICLE 130 - Police in the courts
SECTION 2 - The Public Ministry
ARTICLE 131 - Role of Public Ministry
ARTICLE 132 - Statute of Public Prosecutors
SECTION 3 - Superior Council of Magistracy
ARTICLE 133 - Role and structure
ARTICLE 134 - Powers
TITLE IV - Economy and public finance
ARTICLE 135 - Economy
ARTICLE 136 - Property
ARTICLE 137 - Financial system
ARTICLE 138 - National public budget
ARTICLE 139 - Taxes, duties, and other contributions
ARTICLE 140 - Court of Audit
ARTICLE 141 - The Economic and Social Council
TITLE V - Constitutional Court
ARTICLE 142 - Structure
ARTICLE 143 - Qualification for appointment
ARTICLE 144 - Incompatibilities
ARTICLE 145 - Independence and irremovability
ARTICLE 146 - Powers
ARTICLE 147 - Decisions of the Constitutional Court
TITLE VI - Euro-Atlantic integration
ARTICLE 148 - Integration into the European Union
ARTICLE 149 - Accession to the North-Atlantic Treaty
TITLE VII - Revision of the Constitution
ARTICLE 150 - Initiative of revision
ARTICLE 151 - Procedure of revision
ARTICLE 152 - Limits of revision
TITLE VIII - Final and transitory provisions
ARTICLE 153 - Coming into force
ARTICLE 154 - Temporal conflict of laws
ARTICLE 155 - Transitory provisions
ARTICLE 156 - Republication of the Constitution