Mircea-Gheorghe Drăghici Mircea-Gheorghe Drăghici
Questions & Interpellations
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Spitalul Municipal din Curtea de Argeș.

Information regarding the interpellation
Recording no.: 220B
Recording date: 31-03-2009
Presentation date: 30-03-2009
Forwarding date: 31-03-2009
Addresing mode: written
Author: Mircea-Gheorghe Drăghici - member of the Chamber of Deputies PSD
Interpellation for: Ministerul Sănătății
in attention: domnului Ion Bazac - Ministru
PDF file
Requested answer: written and oral
Information regarding the answer
Recording no.: 3470
Recording date: 22-04-2009
Answer type: written
Answer from: Ministerul Sănătății
comunicat de: domnul Ion Bazac - Ministru
PDF file
Information regarding the answer
Recording no.: -
Recording date: -
Presentation date: 11-05-2009
Answer type: oral
More information on the minute of the Chamber of Deputies' meeting of 11.05.2009
or see the video recording of the meeting
Answer from: Ministerul Sănătății
comunicat de: domnul Cristian-Anton Irimie - Secretar de Stat
Adresse postale: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucarest, Roumanie jeudi, 10 octobre 2024, 13:30