You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2000-2004 > Senate > Standing Bureau Printable version
february - september 2004

  Position Full name Parliamentary groupsince/
1. Chairman Văcăroiu Nicolae PSD
2. Vice-Chairmen Popescu Dan-Mircea PSD
3.   Tărăcilă Doru Ioan PSD
4.   Buzatu Gheorghe PRM
5.   Puskás Valentin Zoltán
Secretary until feb. 2004
UDMRsince feb. 2004
6. Secretaries Dinu Marin PSDsince jun. 2004
7.   Iorgovan Antonie PSDsince feb. 2004
8.   Ungheanu Mihai PRM
9.   Păcuraru Nicolae Paul Anton PNL
10. Quaestors Vornicu Sorin Adrian PSD
11.   Onaca Dorel-Constantin PRMsince jun. 2004

Former members of the Standing bureau:
  Position Full name Parliamentary groupsince/
Vice-Chairmen Vasile Radu PDuntil feb. 2004
Secretaries Predescu Ion PSDuntil jun. 2004
Quaestors Badea Dumitru PRMuntil jun. 2004

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania friday, 24 january 2025, 5:35