You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 1992-1996 > Chamber of Deputies > Electoral constituencies > CLUJ Printable version
Legislature 1992-1996
 No.  Full name Party
Elections End of the
1. Ciurtin Costică   PUNR
2. Crețu Mircea   PUNR
3. Gavra Ioan   PUNR
4. Lițiu Petru   PL'93
5. Matei Vasile   PUNR
6. Mátis Eugen   UDMR
7. Rațiu Ion   PNTCD
8. Roman Ionel   PDSR   Indep.
9. Sinkó Stefan
until 7.04.1995
substitute by
Nemenyi Iozsef - Nandor
since 26.04.1995 - until sep. 1996
substitute by
Bitay Levente-Ladislau
since 5.09.1996
10. Tănasă Ioan   PRM
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania friday, 17 january 2025, 0:40