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Legislature 2008-2012
Full name Party
Elections End of the
1. Zoicaș Gheorghe PSD   Indep.
2. Cherecheș Cătălin
until 30.05.2011
PSD   Indep.
substitute by
Tătaru Florin-Cristian
since 5.09.2011
3. Bud Nicolae PDL
4. Leșe Doru Brașoan PDL PNL
5. Horj Pavel PNL
6. Béres Ștefan Vasile UDMR
7. Berci Vasile PNL
7. Buciuta Ștefan UUR
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania thursday, 12 september 2024, 12:44