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Legislature 1992-1996
 No.  Full name Party
Elections End of the
1. Bercea Florian
until 26.09.1994
substitute by
Moldovan Teodor
since 26.09.1994
2. Bot Octavian   PAC   Indep.
3. Floruța Crăciun   PUNR
4. Rákóczi Ludovic   UDMR
5. Serac Florian   PDSR
6. Székely Ervin-Zoltan   UDMR
7. Szilágyi Zsolt   UDMR
8. Șuta Vasile   PUNR
9. Țepelea Gabriel   PNTCD
10. Feric Emeric   UDSCR
Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania monday, 20 january 2025, 22:13