You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2004-2008 > Senate > Committees > Cultura Printable version

Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Păunescu Adrian PSD  
2. Vice-Chairpersons Dumitrescu Ion Mihai 
vice-chairperson since 26 sep. 2005
3. Secretaries Popa Dan Gabriel
secretary since 29 jun. 2006
PD-L 11.10.2005
4. Members Cioroianu Adrian Mihai PNL  
5.   Dâncu Vasile PSD  
6.   Mihețiu Ioan Gheorghe PD-L 02.09.2008
7.   Mohaci Mihai PSD 30.06.2008
8.   Rebreanu Nora Cecilia PSD 11.02.2008
9.   Szabó Károly Ferenc UDMR 24.03.2005
10.   Tomoiagă Liliana Lucia PSD 08.09.2008
11.   Ungheanu Mihai PRM 09.02.2006
12.   Vasilescu Gavrilă PC 13.09.2007

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Vice-Chairpersons Cioroianu Adrian Mihai PNL 26.09.2005
2. Secretaries Ioțcu Petru Nicolae non-attached 15.06.2006

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Copos Gheorghe PC 04.06.2007 13.09.2007
2. Cucuian Cristian PD-L 15.06.2006 06.06.2007
3. Cutaș George Sabin PC   08.02.2007
4. Gheorghe Constantin PD-L 06.06.2007 02.09.2008
5. Ioțcu Petru Nicolae non-attached   15.06.2006
6. Markó Béla UDMR   24.03.2005
7. Moisuc Viorica Georgeta Pompilia PRM   09.02.2006
8. Neagoe Otilian PSD   30.06.2008
9. Theodorescu Răzvan Emil PSD   20.02.2006
10. Tîlvăr Angel PSD 20.02.2006 11.02.2008
11. Țîrle Radu PNL   11.10.2005

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania monday, 13 january 2025, 20:28