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Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Cârlan Dan PD-L  
2. Vice-Chairpersons Dina Carol
vice-chairperson since 12 feb. 2008
PRM 06.12.2008
3. Secretaries Bobeș Marin
secretary since 8 sep. 2008
4. Members Fekete Szabó Andras Levente UDMR  
5.   Marinescu Marius PC 08.10.2007
6.   Mohaci Mihai PSD 30.06.2008
7.   Oprea Mario-Ovidiu PNL 17.02.2005
8.   Panțuru Tudor PD-L 04.02.2008
9.   Rotaru Ion PSD 30.06.2008
10.   Stan Petru non-attached 04.09.2007
11.   Stoica Ilie PNL 08.02.2007

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the bureau
since until
1. Chairperson Popa Aron Ioan PNL   17.02.2005
2. Vice-Chairpersons Stan Petru non-attached 04.09.2007 12.02.2008
3.   Vedinaș Verginia PRM   04.09.2007
4. Secretaries Simionescu Aurel Gabriel PSD   23.06.2008

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Ciornei Silvia PC 04.06.2007 08.10.2007
2. Cozmâncă Octav PSD   18.04.2005
3. Dumitru Constantin PD-L 08.02.2007 10.09.2007
4. Filipescu Teodor PSD   04.02.2008
5. Funar Gheorghe PRM   06.12.2008
6. Gheorghe Constantin PD-L   03.10.2005
7. Neagoe Otilian PSD 18.04.2005 30.06.2008
8. Popa Aron Ioan PNL   17.02.2005
9. Prodan Tiberiu Aurelian PNL   08.02.2007
10. Simionescu Aurel Gabriel PSD   23.06.2008
11. Stoica Ilie PNL 03.10.2005 04.06.2007
12. Vedinaș Verginia PRM   04.09.2007

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania monday, 13 january 2025, 23:00