You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2000-2004 > Senate > Committees > Abuzuri Printable version

Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Dinescu Valentin
chairperson since 27 oct. 2004
2. Vice-Chairpersons Honcescu Ion PSD  
3. Secretaries Cristolovean Ioan
secretary since 24 jun. 2004
4. Members Alexandru Ionel PRM 04.02.2002
5.   Brădișteanu Șerban Alexandru PSD 29.06.2004
6.   Duță Vasile non-attached 06.09.2001
7.   Iorga Nicolae-Marian PRM  
8.   Iustian Mircea Teodor PNL 22.09.2003
9.   Păcurariu Iuliu PD 06.09.2001
10.   Rovinaru Nicolae PSD 14.10.2004
11.   Szabó Károly Ferenc UDMR 12.01.2001

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Chairperson Iorga Nicolae-Marian PRM 27.10.2004

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Alexa Constantin PSD 08.03.2004 22.03.2004
2. Bindea Liviu-Doru non-attached   06.09.2001
3. Buraga Ioan PSD 29.06.2004 13.09.2004
4. Crăciun Avram PSD   06.09.2001
5. Hoha Gheorghe PSD 07.04.2003 08.03.2004
6. Maior Liviu PSD   24.03.2003
7. Marcu Ion PRM   04.02.2002
8. Nicolai Norica PNL   22.09.2003
9. Prichici Emilian PSD   24.05.2004
10. Verestóy Attila UDMR   07.01.2001

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 22 january 2025, 20:27