You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2008-2012 > Parliament of Romania > Committees > Revolutionari Printable version

Position Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Luca Raymond senator PNL  
2. Vice-Chairpersons Hogea Gheorghe
vice-chairperson since 20 apr. 2010
deputy PNL 20.04.2010
3. Secretaries Coca Laurenşiu Florian
secretary since 30 jun. 2009
senator PSD 29.06.2009
4. Members Budurescu Daniel-Stamate deputy PNL 29.06.2009
5.   Dugulescu Marius Cristinel deputy non-attached  
6.   Firczak Gheorghe deputy Mino.  
7.   Greblã Toni senator PSD  
8.   Jurcan Dorel senator PD-L  
9.   Mircovici Niculae deputy Mino. 09.03.2009
10.   Socaciu Victor deputy PSD  
11.   Staicu Dumitru Florian senator PD-L  

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Vice-Chairpersons Boldea Mihail deputy non-attached 20.04.2010
2. Secretaries Marcu Gheorghe senator PSD 29.06.2009

Former members of the committee
Member of the Parliament Parliamentary
Member until
1. Boldea Mihail deputy non-attached 20.04.2010
2. Marcu Gheorghe senator PSD 29.06.2009
3. Nicolãescu Gheorghe-Eugen deputy PNL 09.03.2009

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania tuesday, 14 january 2025, 9:29