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Position Deputy Parliamentary
1. Chairperson Călian Petru PD-L
2. Vice-Chairpersons Jipa Florina Ruxandra non-attached
3. Secretaries Budurescu Daniel-Stamate PNL
4. Members Andronache Gabriel PD-L
5.   Balan Ioan PD-L
6.   Béres Ștefan Vasile UDMR
7.   Bostan Emil Prog.
8.   Chiriță Dumitru PSD
9.   Chiuariu Tudor-Alexandru PNL
10.   Cionca-Arghir Iustin-Marinel PD-L
11.   Ciucă Liviu-Bogdan PNL
12.   Dumitrescu Cristian-Sorin PSD
13.   Firczak Gheorghe Mino.
14.   Iordache Florin PSD
15.   Kötő Iosif UDMR
16.   Marin Mircea PD-L
17.   Nosa Iuliu PSD
18.   Pandele Sorin Andi PD-L
19.   Pocora Cristina-Ancuța PNL
20.   Ponta Victor-Viorel PSD
21.   Popescu Cosmin Mihai PD-L
22.   Sava Andrei-Valentin PSD
23.   Taloș Mirel PNL
24.   Tudose Mihai PSD
25.   Vișan Gelu PD-L

Former members of the committee
Deputy Parliamentary
Member until
1. Andon Sergiu PNL 11.09.2012
2. Boldea Mihail non-attached 25.09.2012
3. Moldovan Emil Radu PSD 30.06.2012
4. Radan Mihai Mino. 01.07.2012
5. Timiș Ioan PD-L 15.08.2010

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania thursday, 16 january 2025, 14:50