You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2004-2008 > Senate > Committees > Buget Printable version

Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Păcuraru Nicolae Paul Anton
chairperson since 10 nov. 2008
PNL 29.10.2008
2. Vice-Chairpersons Ștefan Viorel PSD  
3. Secretaries Șereș Ioan-Codruț
secretary since 20 dec. 2006
PC 20.12.2006
4. Members Arcaș Viorel PSD  
5.   Florescu Ion PSD  
6.   Funar Gheorghe PRM 06.02.2006
7.   Mardare Radu Cătălin PSD 11.02.2008
8.   Neagu Nicolae non-attached 15.06.2006
9.   Popescu Ionel PD-L  
10.   Szentmiklósi Zoltán-Lajos UDMR 10.11.2008
11.   Vișan Gelu PD-L 02.09.2008

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the bureau
since until
1. Chairperson Popa Aron Ioan PNL 19.12.2006  
2.   Vosganian Varujan PNL   14.12.2006
3. Secretaries Ciornei Silvia PC   20.12.2006

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Berceanu Radu Mircea PD-L 11.10.2005 15.06.2006
2. Ciornei Silvia PC   20.12.2006
3. Crețu Ovidiu Teodor PSD 10.12.2007 11.02.2008
4. Dina Carol PRM   06.02.2006
5. Ioțcu Petru Nicolae non-attached   25.06.2008
6. Mardare Radu Cătălin PSD   10.12.2007
7. Pete Ștefan UDMR 20.06.2007 13.10.2008
8. Petre Maria PD-L   11.10.2005
9. Popa Aron Ioan PNL 14.12.2006 13.10.2008
10. Puskás Valentin Zoltán UDMR   20.06.2007
11. Rădoi Ovidiu PD-L   19.09.2005
12. Vosganian Varujan PNL   14.12.2006

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 15 january 2025, 18:06