You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2012-2016 > Senate > Committees > Romanii de pretutindeni Printable version

Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Bujor Dumitru Marcel
chairperson since 1 oct. 2013
2. Vice-Chairpersons Badea Viorel-Riceard PNL  
3. Secretaries Marin Nicolae
secretary since 28 oct. 2013
PSD 28.10.2013
4. Members Câmpeanu Mariana PNL 22.10.2013
5.   Cristache Iulian PSD 24.06.2014
6.   Geoană Mircea Dan non-attached 17.02.2014
7.   Ilieșiu Sorin PSD 18.02.2014
8.   Iovescu Ioan PSD 01.10.2013
9.   Mihai Neagu non-attached 17.03.2014
10.   Mocanu Victor non-attached  
11.   Purec Ion Simeon PSD 02.12.2014

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
bureau until
1. Chairperson Marin Nicolae PSD 01.10.2013
2. Secretaries Anghel Adrian PSD 28.10.2013

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Anghel Adrian PSD   28.10.2013
2. Corlățean Titus PSD   02.12.2014
3. Deneș Ioan PSD 03.03.2014 17.03.2014
4. Drăghici Damian non-attached 14.04.2014 23.06.2014
5. Jipa Florina Ruxandra PSD   17.02.2014
6. Marin Nicolae PSD   01.10.2013
7. Mitu Augustin Constantin PSD   14.04.2014
8. Neculoiu Marius PNL   03.03.2014
9. Nicoară Marius Petre PNL   12.02.2013
10. Popa Mihaela PNL 12.02.2013 22.10.2013
11. Vosganian Varujan PLC   18.02.2014

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania monday, 13 january 2025, 20:25