Following the signature of the accession treaty in Luxembourg on 25 April 2005, the President of the European Parliament has invited the Parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania to appoint, from among their Members, men and women as Observers to the European Parliament with effect from 26 September 2005. The number of Observers (Bulgaria 18; Romania 35) is the same as the number of Members of the European Parliament each country will have after accession. Each Observer may be affiliated to a political group within the European Parliament and take part in the work of that group. Observers may attend plenary sittings of the European Parliament but may not speak, vote or stand for election. In committees and delegations, Observers may be invited to speak by the chairman but may not vote or stand for election.
Following the signature of the accession treaty in Luxembourg on 25 April 2005, the President of the European Parliament has invited the Parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania to appoint, from among their Members, men and women as Observers to the European Parliament with effect from 26 September 2005. The number of Observers (Bulgaria 18; Romania 35) is the same as the number of Members of the European Parliament each country will have after accession. Each Observer may be affiliated to a political group within the European Parliament and take part in the work of that group. Observers may attend plenary sittings of the European Parliament but may not speak, vote or stand for election. In committees and delegations, Observers may be invited to speak by the chairman but may not vote or stand for election.