Chamber of Deputies
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Political parties in the Chamber of Deputies

Uniunea Nationala PSD+PUR PSD Social Democratic Party
PC Conservator Party
On 7th of may 2005, The Humanist Party of Romania (social-liberal) changed to Conservator Party
PUR-SL The Humanist Party of Romania (social-liberal)
Alianta Dreptate si Adevar PNL-PD PDL Democratic Liberal Party
On 4th of feb 2008, The Democratic Party changed to Democrat-Liberal Party
PNL National Liberal Party
PD Democratic Party
  PRM Great Romania Party
  UDMR The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania
    Indep. Independents
  National minorities organizations ALAR Association League of Albanians in Romania
AMR Association of Macedonians in Romania
CRLR Community of Lipovan Russians in Romania
FCER Jew's Communities Federation in Romania
FDGR Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
PRSDR Social Democratic Rromas' Party in Romania
RO.AS.IT. Association of Italians in Romania - RO.AS.IT
UAR Armenians Union of Romania
UBBR Union of Bulgarians in Banat - Romania
UCR Union of Croatians in Romania
UCRR Cultural Union of Rutens in Romania
UDSCR Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania
UDTR Turkish Democratic Union of Romania
UDTTMR Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tartars in Romania
UER Hellenic Union of Romania
UPR Union of Poles in Romania
USR Union of Serbs in Romania
UUR Union of Ukrainians in Romania

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania tuesday, 14 january 2025, 15:00