Personal data
Date and place of birth: 7 March 1939, Bucharest
Civil status: married
Education; scientific degrees
degree from the Faculty of Philology - University of Bucharest;
degree from the Faculty of Law - University of Bucharest;
Master's degree and PhD from the Institute of High Social Studies, Geneva, Switzerland;
degree from the Cornell University, USA;
Master's degree in labour law from the Cornell University, USA
Political activity
since 1991, member of the PRM;
currently, member of the PRM Executive Committee;
January 1990 founder and president of the National Women's League of Romania, a non-governmental organisation which, right from the start, has been actively and seriously involved in various actions and programmes which concern women's status and social protection in Romania, collaborating with various prestigious Romanian and foreign institutions
Parliamentary activity
1990-1992 deputy;
member of the Committees for Foreign Policy, and Labour and Social Protection;
1992-1996 deputy;
member of the Committees for Foreign Policy, and Labour and Social Protection;
since 2000, vice-president of the Romanian Group of the Parliament of Romania with the Interparliamentary Union;
vice-president of the Committee for European Integration of the Parliament of Romania;
vice-president of the Romania-France friendship parliamentary group;
member of the Committee for Foreign Policy
Professional activities
Profession: professor with the University of Bucharest;
visiting professor with the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and the Cornell University, USA;
adviser on legal issues of labour law;
vast activity and rich experience in international relationships, both in education, as a professor with several universities in various countries, and as specialist in labour and social security issues; specialised participations in many congresses and conferences on issues of labour, representing Romania to various international organisations and bodies (International Labour Organisation, AISS, UNESCO etc.), and representing the Parliament of Romania to the Council
of Europe and the European Union in the field of parliamentary diplomacy
Books and papers published
Le Franglais ; Aspects du droit de la sécurité sociale (Aspects of Social Security Right);
Nouveau statut de la femme (New Status of Woman);
Woman's Condition in Late 20th Century and Early 21st Century;
The Presumption of Guilt with Journalists, etc.
Languages skills
French, English, Italian, Spanish
Address of the MP's office
Braila, Calea Golesti nr. 2-4
Telephone: 0239/611199