Personal data
Date and place of birth: 7 April 1948, Malovat, Mehedinti County
Civil status: married, 1 child
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Industrial Chemistry - Polytechnic University, Bucharest; DSc, chemistry
Political activity
vice-president of the Bucharest Municipality PSD Organisation; member of the PSD Central Executive Bureau;
since 2000, Minister of Education and Research
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1996; since 2000 member of the Committee for Education, Science, Youth and Sports
Professional activities
Profession: professor;
engineer, head of department with ARCOM company; professor, dean of the Polytechnic University, Bucharest; member of the European Ceramics Society; member of the Romanian Chemistry Society; member of the Chemical Engineering Society
Books and papers published
130 papers published in Romania and 27 published abroad