Personal data
Date and place of birth: 26 May 1941
Civil status: single
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Chemistry University of Bucharest;
1st teaching degree
Political activity
1993-2002 member of the Cultural Union of the Albanians of Romania;
honorary member of the Macedo-Romanian Women's Society in Skopje, Macedonia;
1997 member of the League of the Romanian Albanians (LAR);
June 1997 international observer for the elections in Albania
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1996;
member of the Committee for Industries and Services;
member of the following friendship parliamentary groups: Romania-Austria (since 1997), Romania-Albania (since 1997),
Romania-Sweden (since 1997, vice-president), and Romania-Republic of Macedonia (since 2000, vicepresident);
initiator of the legislative proposals for amending the Land Law no. 18/1991 on the setting up of new counties, for granting a support fund for the payment of the additional expenses caused by the increased consumption of heating power during the cold season and the rise in its cost, for certain categories of people; on the Law of the Cooperative System; for amending the Law no. 70/1991 on the local elections, republished;
since 2000, member of the following friendship parliamentary groups: Romania-Albania (vice-president), Romania-Austria and Romania-Sweden (vice-president) ;
member of the Committee for Industries and Services
Professional activities
Profession: chemistry teacher
Books and papers published
author of novels, poetry, stories and short stories;
articles published in the magazines "Albanezul", "Cuvantul libertatii" (Craiova), "Gorjanul" (Targu-Jiu);
specialised articles in the "Revista de fizica-chimie";
translations and travel notes
Languages skills
Albanian, French
Address of the MP's office
Bucharest, str. Th. Masaryk
Telephone: 315.09.96