Parliamentary activity
2012-2016 (sen.)
legislative initiatives
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Dorin-Mircea DOBRA
Parliamentary activity in legislature 2012-2016

Constituency no.6 BISTRITA-NASAUD, uninominal college no.1

Political party:
PNL-National Liberal Party

Parliamentary group:
The parliamentary group of the National Liberal Party  Secretary - since sep. 2014
 - until feb. 2015
   Vice-Leader - since feb. 2015

Standing committees
The Committee on European Affairs
(dec. 2014 - sep. 2015)

Standing committees - joint
- Secretary (since feb. 2013)

Inquiry committees - joint

Parliamentary friendship groups:
 Friendship parliamentary group with Norway - until jun. 2015 Vice-Chairperson
 Friendship parliamentary group with Serbia - since jun. 2015
 Friendship parliamentary group with Slovak Republic 
 Friendship parliamentary group with Federal Republic of Germany 

Parliamentary activity in figures:
Legislative initiatives: 73, din care 15 promulgate legi
Motions: 4

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania friday, 11 october 2024, 18:42