Joint parliamentary bodies
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Friendship parliamentary group with Armenia

 Position Full name Member Group
1. Chairperson Mînzînã Ion deputy PRM
2. Vice-Chairperson Pambuccian Varujan deputy Minoritati
3. Secretary Zgonea Valeriu ªtefan deputy PSD
4. Members Acatrinei Gheorghe senator PRM
5.   Becsek-Garda Dezsõ-Kálmán deputy UDMR
6.   Cherescu Pavel deputy -
7.   Hoha Gheorghe senator PSD
8.   Raicu Romeo Marius deputy PD
9.   Spiridon Nicu deputy PSD
10.   ªtefan Ion deputy PSD

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania tuesday, 21 january 2025, 22:48