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Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of Korea

 Position Full name Member Groupsince
1. Chairperson Buzea Cristian Valeriu
since 20 dec. 2005
deputy PRM
2. Secretary Frâncu Emilian Valentin
since 3 apr. 2007
deputy PNL 3 apr. 2007
3. Members Bentu Dumitru deputy PSD
4.   Bîrsan Iulian-Gabriel deputy PD-L
5.   Cantaragiu Bogdan deputy PD-L
6.   Cutean Vasile Emilian deputy PSD
7.   Daea Petre senator PSD 3 apr. 2007
8.   Dumitrescu Ion Mihai  senator PNL
9.   Funar Gheorghe senator PRM
10.   Iliescu Valentin Adrian deputy PD-L
11.   Király Andrei-Gheorghe deputy UDMR
12.   Marinescu Marius senator PC
13.   Nicolicea Eugen deputy PSD
14.   Soporan Vasile Filip deputy PSD
15.   Szekely Levente Csaba deputy UDMR
16.   Timiș Ioan deputy PNL
17.   Țundrea Ioan deputy PC

Former members of the group bureau:

 Position Full name Member Group
1. Chairperson Cantaragiu Bogdan
until 20 dec. 2005
deputy PD-L
2. Vice-Chairperson Crețu Ovidiu Teodor
until 23 jun. 2008
senator PSD
3. Secretary Pruteanu Vasile
until 3 apr. 2007
deputy PD-L

Former members of the group:

  Full name Member Groupsinceuntil
1. Crăciunescu Grigore deputy PNL 30 jun. 2008
2. Crețu Ovidiu Teodor senator PSD 23 jun. 2008
3. Maior George-Cristian senator PSD 5 oct. 2006
4. Palăr Ionel deputy PNL 3 apr. 2007 24 jul. 2008
5. Popescu Florin Aurelian deputy PD-L 3 apr. 2007
6. Pruteanu Vasile deputy PD-L 3 apr. 2007

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 22 january 2025, 10:37